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5 common mistakes to avoid as a traveler


Traveling is one of the best experiences in life, but it can also be nerve-wracking. If you’re new to travelling or haven’t travelled for a while, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make your trip as comfortable and seamless as possible. Here are five common mistakes that travelers make that could ruin their trip—and how to avoid them:

Not booking a return flight.

Missing out on a return flight is one of the most common mistakes people make when they travel. If you’re trying to save money, this can be a huge mistake. Booking your return flight before the first leg will usually save you some cash if the flights are priced individually, as airlines will often offer discounts for purchasing two separate tickets rather than one roundtrip.

If that’s not an option or you just don't want to spend extra money on a second flight, there are other ways to save. You can look into flights with layovers. These are often cheaper than direct flights, especially if you’re booking in advance and don’t mind waiting around at the airport for an extra hour or two on your trip back home.

Traveling with only one credit card.

I know you're a smart traveler, and you know not to take your credit card out of your wallet. But what if you lose it? What if someone grabs it when you aren't looking? You can't be too careful.

A backup credit card is an easy way to help avoid problems on the road. It's something that many people don't think about, but having two cards can make things easier when traveling in foreign countries where payment terminals are less likely to accept certain credit cards (i.e., American Express is not accepted in all places). This is especially true for business travelers who use their personal cards for expenses like meals and hotels instead of using a corporate account with its own budgeting system.

Having an extra card means that even if one gets lost or stolen, you won't be stranded without any money for food or lodging until you can get home—you'll at least have some cash on you from your other card.

Not checking your insurance policy.

One of the most important things to do before you leave on your trip is to check your insurance policy. You should be covered for any activities that you have planned, as well as being able to access medical care if required. Check that you have the right level of coverage and whether it covers all the countries which you plan to visit. If there are certain activities that are not covered by your travel insurance, it would be wise to find out how much extra it will cost for those specific activities before going ahead with them (or not).

Not doing your research.

You should do your research before traveling. You don't want to find yourself in an unfamiliar place with no idea what is going on, or how things work. Research the area you are going to visit: learn about its customs and traditions, as well as any local laws that might affect you. Find out what kind of people live there and what their culture can offer you. Also, research common phrases so that you don't look like a tourist when trying to communicate with others!

Packing too much.

Packing too much is a common mistake among travellers, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips for packing light and staying organized:

  • Decide what you'll need before you pack. This should be a no-brainer, but many people make the mistake of throwing every last item into their suitcase just in case they change their minds during their trip. You should instead choose key items based on the weather at your destination and how long you'll be gone.

  • Pack everything according to its weight, size and importance! If two things weigh the same amount and take up exactly the same amount of space in your bag or carry-on luggage—but one thing is more important than another—put that more important thing outside where it can be easily reached while keeping all other items safely inside where they belong!

  • Consider the weather of your destination. If you're going somewhere warm and sunny, pack accordingly with lightweight fabrics that won't take up much room. You can also make use of those nifty little packing cubes so everything fits nicely into your luggage without wrinkling or being crushed by other items.


There are many things that can go wrong when you’re traveling, but there are also ways to avoid them. By following these tips, you can make sure that your next trip is a smooth one!

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